
Please enjoy my design Instagram feed. Click on the link below to jump to my Instagram where I post these types of challenge projects. Design Challenge Instagram Feed

In this feed I post images from gallery shows and process.

Additionally, following is a link to my design challenge Instagram. In December (2021) I completed a 31 day stamp/linoleum carving challenge entitled: Carve December. I always learn something new when I undertake one of these challenges.

In July 2020, I completed my first 100 day challenge project. The project that I set for myself originally was to post a page from my sketchbook daily for 100 days. Just the act of posting was my initial goal. However, posting a page proved not to be enough after the first few days so I decided to add to my challenge. The modified project was to create a pattern design (or more) from the next sequential sketch book page, every day for 100 days. (I started my sketch book in January.) The pattern project started in April. I generated a bunch of work and have learned a lot from the project already.